Information Security Policy

Information Security Policy

Mediford Corporation is committed to protecting the information assets of our clients, business partners and our company from various information security threats, as well as providing our high-quality products and services to our clients more safely, reliably, and promptly. To achieve this, we establish and operate an Information Security Management System, which we continuously improve.

The information we handle includes important information from our clients and business partners as well as our company. The information as well as operational structures, computer systems, information devices and networks to handle the information, are our important information assets. We believe that the basis of our business activities is to protect the information of our clients and business partners as well as our company by ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of these assets, and to comply with norms, laws and regulations.

Aiming to recognize the importance of information assets and ensure information security, we establish the Information Security Management System. By doing so, we strive to ensure that our customers and business partners as well as users of our systems can use our information assets with confidence, as we protect our information assets and enhance the reliability of information systems.

We hereby establish the Information Security Policy and declare that we continuously provide high-quality products and services to our clients.

November 1st, 2023

Kei Shimizu
Mediford Corporation