36-1 Shimizu-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174-0053, JapanGoogle MAP
Toei Mita Line: Approximately 5 minutes walk from Itabashihoncho Station Exit A2
Analytical Research Center
Services provided
Drug concentration, Biomarker
1-15-10 Shimura Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174-0056, JapanGoogle MAP
Toei Mita Line: Approximately 5 minutes walk from Shimura-sakaue Station Exit A2 or A4
Drug Discovery Regulatory Center (Kashima Laboratories)
Services provided
Safety studies including general toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity studies, and safety pharmacology as well as pharmacokinetic, and TK/PK studies, etc. under GLP regulations or Reliability Criteria.
By expressway bus "Kashimago" (to Kashima Jingu Station)
- Boarding place: Yaesu South Exit, Tokyo Station
- Drop-off place: Kashima Central Hotel
- Travel time: Approximately 1 hour 20 minutes
* Please take a taxi from Kashima Central Hotel to Drug Discovery Regulatory Center
Drug Discovery Innovation Center (Kumamoto Laboratories)
Services provided:
General toxicity studies, reproductive and developmental toxicity studies, special toxicity studies, safety studies such as efficacy evaluation studies for cellular- and tissue-based products, in vivo and in vitro tumorigenicity studies, drug efficacy pharmacology studies using various cells and model animals, etc.
- Travel section: Kumamoto Station to Uto Station
- Travel time: Approximately 12 minutes
* Please take a taxi from Uto Station to Kumamoto Laboratories (approximately 10 minutes).
By Car
- Approximately 50 minutes from Aso Kumamoto Airport
- Approximately 15 minutes from "Matsubase Interchange" of Kyushu Expressway
- Approximately 10 minutes from JR Uto Station